
March 02, 2023 00:06:58
Financial Snickens

Mar 02 2023 | 00:06:58


Hosted By

Alisa McCabe

Show Notes

Are you an entrepreneur struggling to stay motivated? In this episode, Alisa dive into Mel Robbins' approach to motivation and how it can help entrepreneurs take action and achieve success. We'll learn what science says about the 5-second countdown, how successful people throughout history have used it, and how creating an action plan ahead of time can make it easier to follow. Plus, we'll get tips on forming rituals around the countdown for more lasting results. Tune in to this episode for practical advice that will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals!


Key Highlights:


[00:01 - 02:31] Motivation is Garbage: Mel Robbins' Countdown Technique to Help Entrepreneurs Stay Focused and Achieve Success


[02:32 - 04:58] Outsmart Your Brain and Take Action with the 5-4-3-2-1 Method




Resources Mentioned:


The Mel Robbins Podcast - Episode 3


Key Quotes:


“Start moving before your brain talks you out of it.” - Alisa McCabe


“Have your plan in place and be ready to do it.” - Alisa McCabe


Learn more by connecting with me through LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. Head to our website and click on the Let’s Talk button


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