Why Moms are Natural Entrepreneurs

Episode 26 July 27, 2023 00:05:43
Why Moms are Natural Entrepreneurs
Financial Snickens
Why Moms are Natural Entrepreneurs

Jul 27 2023 | 00:05:43


Hosted By

Alisa McCabe

Show Notes

It’s no secret raising a kid, much less raising multiple children, takes a ton of hard work. And yet, many people still don’t realize that motherhood is the perfect training ground for being a rockstar entrepreneur or employee.   

In this episode, I dial in on what gives moms and caregivers a natural advantage when it comes to running a business.  

In this episode, you’ll also hear:


Must-listen moments: 

[00:00:47] We like to hire moms, or someone who has run a household, or taken care of kids. They make incredible employees for us because they understand how to put out the fires and in what order.

[00:03:05] From resolving conflicts with children, with spouses…they have to deal with people at school, whatever it is, they find creative solutions for these everyday challenges that they come across. 

[00:04:41] When you are the business owner, you're talking about your clients and you need to understand their needs, and you are developing these lifelong relationships with them if you wanna keep these clients, and mompreneurs tend to know how to do this already.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to another episode of Financial s Nickens. Today we are going to be talking about why moms make amazing entrepreneurs, and just to know I am a mom. And I'm an entrepreneur. Um, I have six kids and they were excellent training for starting a business. So we work with a lot of entrepreneurs and we see this exciting new trend that moms who run households or have, you know, health positions in the P T A or the p t o or do any kind of volunteer work. Make amazing entrepreneurs and they seem to have an advantage. So we've always realized this at First Steps, and we like to hire moms or someone who has run a household or taken care of kids. They make incredible employees for us because they understand how to put out the [00:01:00] fires and in what order. And they also seem to understand business owners and their mindset, and they can anticipate their needs and they empathize with them, which is unique. So they also possess all the incredible skills that they've learned from the experiences and they are really incredible at helping other people. So, these skills just aren't limited to women. I know I say moms, but it really isn't. It's somebody who's taking the greater share of working with children and running a household, and they are amazing business owners as well as incredible hires. So we've designated that there's a few areas why these moms make amazing entrepreneurs and why we love to hire them. They have multitasking superpowers. They know how to [00:02:00] take small businesses and all the things that they're juggling and put them in priorities and figure out what to do first. So they've already done this in their lives. So they have children that they're responsible for and they have bus, they have, uh, homes that they're responsible for, and they understand what priority to put these, all these things in. So this, this innate skill from this experience that allows them to prioritize, organize, and effectively manage their time. And other people. So this multitasking superpower that these moms have is a really great skill set for any entrepreneur to have. But we just noticed that moms have it, so they also happen to be natural problem solvers, motherhood instills in women, and anybody else who's taking care of children. [00:03:00] This problem solving ability. So it resolves it. It's far from resolving conflicts with children, with spouses, with, they have to deal with people at school, whatever it is. But they find creative solutions for these everyday challenges that they come across. And then moms. Develop a keen sense of resourcefulness and adaptability to any situation. So if you think about it as a business owner, you are constantly coming across these situations that are not. Are not the same every day. They're unique. They come up and there's something that happens and you're not sure how to solve it. And these moms or people who have to, who've spent time coming up with creative ideas on solutions and keeping everybody happy and providing support, that's [00:04:00] what business owners are doing every day. So that's why we found that moms and caregivers are natural problem solvers. The other thing that moms possess is empathy and customer focus. They call it children focus, so they are known for being nurturing and empathetic. That's why whoever, you know, it takes the majority of time. Raising the children usually has those skillset and entrepreneurs need them too. You need to have a deep understanding of the business owner's needs and concerns, and when you are the business owner, you're talking about your clients and you need to understand their needs, and you are developing these lifelong relationships with them. If you wanna keep these clients and. Mompreneurs tend to know how to do this already.[00:05:00] They know how to take situations and create something where someone says, I understand how you feel, and be able to talk to those business owners or their clients and get great results and give them some really good advice and service so that they feel that they're heard and that someone understands what's going on. And helps them solve a problem. So moms have this wide range of qualities that makes them outstanding business owners, and they're exceptional. Multitasking skills, problem solving mindset and natural empathy contribute to their success and managing and growing their own businesses, and that's why. Moms are kicking some butt out there owning their own businesses. If you wanna talk more about Mompreneurs, head over to my website, first steps [00:06:00] financial.com, and click on the Let's Chat button, or shoot me an email, Alisa at First Steps Financial and we can chat more about the challenges of being a small business owner, or the challenges of being a mom. Cause I got you there.

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